Will I Get Pregnant If I Take Multiple Emergency Contraceptive Pills?
I got my period next week on 17th May, 2011 at night time with a comparatively less flow but went for almost 5 days. It’s been over 28 days now but I did not get my periods. I understand that taking i-pill may disturb my cycle but my primary concern is to avoid pregnancy.
1. Will I get pregnant? What are the chances of pregnancy after the above incident? if pregnant, what are the options left to avoid pregnancy?
2. Why did I got periods early i.e. just after a week having i-pill? It is ok? and now its been over 28 days I did not get periods ?
Thanks for your query.
You have got your periods on 17th may due to withdrawal bleeding from the pills.
Multiple use of pills is contraindicated.This will cause your periods to be irregular.It may be early or delayed.You dont have any chance of pregnancy from that encounter because you already had your periods in may.
This month your periods are delayed due to the side effect.
This is obviously not normal but cannot be helped.You need to remember that injudicious use of ipills are not recommended and will cause havoc with your cycles.
It may cause problems with ovulation later when you want to concieve.
At present,you are delayed but I suggest that you wait for the periods to come.You are not protected from pregnancy during this time so if you are sexually active,use some other method of contraception.
For future reference,please see your doctor about using a long term method like oc pillls,iucd etc.This will be beneficial for you in the long run.
Thanks for your query,
Your delayed cycles can last for few more days to weeks.One cannot confirm when you will get your periods.Wait till your next period.Hopefully you should get it by then,if all is ok.Once you get your period,i suggest that you start using some method of long term contraception like oc pills etc.
You should see your doctor about when to start the pills etc.Many choices are available.Till then,use a condom please.
If you miss your period for more than 2 months,please see your doctor.
Remember you are not protected since your last period in may.
Good to hear from you again.
If your last period was 17th may and you haven't had any sexual intercourse since, then you are safe.
The delay could be due to the multiple I-pills. Wait for few more days and hopefully your cycles will regularise again.
If you miss your periods again, then consult your doctor for medication.
Hope this answers your query.
Wish you a good health.