Will Epididymitis Go Away On Its Own? Taken Cipro. Have Sore And Heavy Testicles. No STD
Thanks for posting your query
Am a Gastrointestinal Surgeon with a good exposure to Urology, seen your query not picked up for five hours so am replying to it
You appear well read, yes in adult males the infection is commonly due to chlamydia or gonorrhea but not always.
If you have no history of exposure and if your partner is not infected you may be assured.
Yet it is always better to get your self tested for both to rule out the same if there is history of exposure and/or your partner is infected
We usually treat the partner if either is found.
To ensure a complete cure you should visit your personal doctor till he insists.
You need to continue Cipro for three weeks or so and then on a maintenance dose till completely cured.
For the heaviness I would suggest you apply ice to the local area and use a scrotal support.
Hope this helps
Am Available for followup queries
Wishing you a Speedy recovery