Will I Get Periods Regularly After Abortion?
pregnancy unlikely if protective intercourse done
Detailed Answer:
After your abortion, having irregular cycles or delayed cycles for 1-2 months is possible. You are overdue only by 3-4 days. You could have waited another couple of weeks for spontaneous menses. However, with delayed periods a pregnancy test is a must. If its negative, then progesterone tablets can be taken for 5 days to get withdrawal bleeding. If you have used protection during intercourse in the meantimes, pregnancy is unlikely. You can always take a test to be sure.
If you havnt yet taken the Susten suggested to you, in my opinion, do a test first. If negative take Tab Modus10mg twice a day for 5 days. Bleeding should happen within 2 weeks.
Still now I have not started the susten. But as per my knowledge if i opt for the test it might come positive as the cervix is still open and pregnancy symptoms are still there like craving for food and sometimes early morning vomiting.
In this case what you suggest??
false positive
Detailed Answer:
Hi XXXXXXX the cervix may remain open due to a recent abortion. That is not a problem. Pregnancy test may give a false positive upto 2 weeks after. I'm uncertain whether you had a medical or surgical abortion. I have to assume the abortion was not incomplete. I would suggest waiting another week or two for spontaneous menses. Then repeat the test. Be informed that you are not protected from pregnancy unless you use protection.