Will It Be Safe To Travel While Having Abdominal Pain And Gallstones?
The below query is regarding my brother in law who has recently faced some pain in the abdominal area and after the USG we found it's a gall bladder stone. We are planning to operate in 2nd week of Nov 2012 due to unavailability of doctors in this festive period in Kolkata.
But we areplanning to visit South India since the childrens vacation as on and we are not sure whether to take my brother in law or not . Our trip plan in 24th Oct till 4th Nov 2012.
Kindly suugest
Thanks for writing in.
There are two issues which need to be analysed.
1. The severity of symptoms.
If the severity of symptoms was intense during the previous attack requiring hospital admission then there is a high likelihood of recurrence of symptoms. But if the severity was very mild amounting to just a discomfort after meals or mild pain occasionally then you need not worry about taking him. If symptoms are mild then a course of tab Udiliv will help in giving him much relief provided there is'nt much localised inflammation. This course should be preceeded by a course of antibiotics and antispasmodics.
2. Regarding the stone load.
If the ultrasound shows mulptiple gallstones with surrounding reaction or fluid then it would not be advisable to travel. But if it is a solitary stone which is freely mobile then there should not be a problem.
I hope this answers your querry.
With regards