Worry About Diabetes. Have Fasting Sugar Level Of 105.
Thanks for the query.
You have provided me with good information.
Your fasting blood glucose level is 105mg/dl and you are worried whether you are a diabetic. You are certainly not diabetic.
Normal fasting blood glucose level is less than 100mg/dl. If your fasting blood glucose level is from 100mg/dl to 125mg/dl then you will have impaired blood glucose level also known as Pre-Diabetes. Such people are much more likely to develop diabetes than people with normal blood glucose levels.
By losing weight and being more physically active, people with insulin resistance or pre-diabetes may avoid developing Type 2 Diabetes. The first therapy should always be an intensive lifestyle modification program because weight loss and physical activity are much more effective than any medication at reducing diabetes risk.
You also have had history of Pancreatic attack or possibly Pancreatitis twice for which you were hospitalized. A mention about the cause of Pancreatitis is better mentioned. The advice about preventing complication can be given after knowing the reason. However general causes include abdominal trauma, medications, infections, and tumors, genetic abnormalities of the pancreas, alcohol abuse or gallstones.
Any illness or disease like Pancreatitis can damage the Pancreas and affects its ability to produce Insulin. Since you were hospitalized for Pancreatitis, you will need to get further investigated for this. Till then try to maintain a healthy lifestyle by exercising daily, drinking sufficient fluids and eating healthy.
Hope I have answered your query. Please accept my answer if you have no further queries.
Wishing you good health.