Yellowish Orange Colour Liquid Dripping From Nose, Like A Faucet. What Could This Be?
on fRIDAY I HAPPEnds to bend over and all of a sudden this yellowish orangy colour liquid started driping from my nose not drops it felt like a faucet. What could this be? can you help?
Thank you for your query.
1. The source of a large amount of nasal discharge is most probably the para nasal sinuses, a ruptured mucocele or reaction to a foreign body.
2. Get a nasal examination and endoscopy done. If it is within normal limits, get a plain CT PNS ( Para Nasal Sinuses) done.
3. A nasal discharge on bending forward is known as the 'Tea pot' Sign or the 'Reservoir' Sign.
4. If possible, collect any further nasal discharge in a sterile container and get it examined to rule out any pus, blood or CSF (Cerebrospinal-Spinal Fluid).
5. If you wiped the discharge on a handkerchief or cotton cloth, did it dry and stiffen the cloth? This would indicate the presence of mucus (normal nasal secretions).
6. Do you have any other symptoms?
I hope that I have answered your queries. If you have any further questions, I will be available to answer them.