Red, Swollen Chin, Yellow Seeping Fluid, Applied Antibiotic, Kept Dye Longer
Thanks for posting your query.
What you are having is allergic skin reaction.
At times when ever your skin gets irritated due to some chemical like the XXXXXXX in your case, the skin gets damaged,and this leads to local reaction.
The upper layer of skin gets damaged and due to this there is a trigger for allergic response and you have problem like redness,swelling etc.
Ideally you need to see a dermatologist.Antibiotics in this case will not help as this not an infection.You need and anti allergic tablet to limit the allergy reaction and decrease redness and itching.
You also need a mild steriod application to subside the local reaction.
After the reaction subsides you can apply any good mostruriser that will help the skin to recover normal texture.
Please see a dermatologist or your primary care physician.
I hope this answers your query,I will be available for follow up.