Semi Or No Erections In Morning,good Erections While Masturbation
Usually in the morning one gets good erection. If you have good sleep and had not done intercourse at during the night you should get good erection. Ofcourse good erection requires good stimulation, so if your fantasy has no good stimulation, you may have semierection.
But you have not to worry, this is normal phenomenon. For that what you have to do is, you become fresh after brushing and take some tea or coffee and then start some love play, fantasy, and kissing, pushing and involve yourself in sex, create atmosphere of your bed room highly with soft music and erotic !
During masturbation what one does only fantasy, replicate the same thing. So do not worry, you do not have any sexual problem.
You do not necessarily panic and do not any so called pseudo sexologist, they will afraid you more to draw more money.
I think you are feeling better now.