Can appreciate your concerns.
All babies get fussy sometimes, but not all have
colic. It may be colic if
Your baby cries for more than 3 hours on at least three occasions a week, but is otherwise healthy.
Burp her well after each feed.
If breast feeding try avoiding caffeine, citrus fruits, soy products, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, and spicy foods.
Decreased stool freq is very common at this age and if the stools are soft & normal consistency it is not
constipation & you need not worry even if she passes every 3-4 days.
Coliza drops help release bubbles of trapped air in your baby’s digestive system, so they may be of some use if symptoms of
indigestion or
flatulence are contributing to her cry & fussiness..
A one-week trial is usually recommended & symptoms do not improve within this time, there is little point carrying on with the treatment.coliza drops should be used 5 drops with or after each feed & maximum of 6 doses /day.
No need to worry as these issues are very common in young kids & very unlikely to affect her general health.
Hope you find the information useful.