i had a blighted ovum miscarriage 4-5 weeks ago, sac measured 5 weeks, i had 2 bleeds a week later, 3-4 weeks ago. went for follow up scan, they said my uterine lining was too thick , after a mc it should be thin, it was 14mm, they treated it as another early pregnancy , i had my hcg levels taken by blood , then to be told they were too low for it to be a pregnancy, and told me i still probably have parts to yet come away from the miscarriage. and to expect a heavy bleed. on the scan i could see a dark circle, but never thought anything of it until i came home and googled it, the answers i got were early pregnancy , they told me i dont need to see them again at the epu and that was it. i am slightly confused, for the last week or more i have had leaking breasts (milk) really painful, very emotional, both signs of pregnancy for me, ( have 3 children) yet they say i am not. so why the thick lining? if some tissue left why didnt they offer me a d&c? she said usually 14mm thickness would be normal, but after a mc its not normal. could i be very early pregnany and it doesnt yet show on hcg levels? how many days /weeks pg would i be in order for my lining to be 14mm? and is it possible its to early to show on the blood tests? or an i getting my hopes up for nothing?