Stuffiness of the nose is part of
coryza, or what is commonly known as a
common cold. Usually, colds are caused by viruses, of which there are hundreds of different kinds. When a virus invades the nose/pharynx, it causes the internal nose skin to secrete a lot of fluid that is mucusy, thick and tends to block the nose and the associated airways. This makes both breathing and feeding difficult for an infant.
Firstly, use a nasal suction pump (available at big pharmacy counters) to remove the boogers lodged inside the nasal passages. After this, you may instil a few drops of saline-based nose drops with the child's head in your lap and tilted back. Wait for a few seconds for the drops to go in, and then, with the pump, try and remove the drops with the trapped mucus again. In this way, you can keep his nose open. Also, do not use
Vicks or similar preparations on his nose. You can apply it to his chest or a little on his cloth-top, so that the vapours reach his nose.
Finally, a temporary relief from a blocked nose can be obtained by simply turning him face down in your lap for a short while.
If the
cough is severe, please consult a doctor in person. Otherwise, the above remedies are enough for a simple cold.