Dear Sravani.
I can appreciate your concerns.
Your daughter is suffering from acute
diarrhea for last 1 week , the most likely cause is infections caused by viruses, bacteria or certain other bugs.
You have not mentioned about any
fever or vomitings.
Because gramogyl has failed to work it might be just virus or a bug which is not covered by it, I would advise you to stop it & get a
stool test (microscopy,ph,reducing subtances) done .
Things will be clear once we have result of this test & that of stool culture.
Darolac is a
probiotic (a mixture of friendly bacteria) and should be continued.
Please make sure that she also drinks enough ORS (oral rehydration solution),buttermilk,coconut water etc so as to avoid
Fruit juices & sugary drinks will make diarrhea worse & should be avoided.
Ask your doctor to add a zinc syrup also (help reduce water loss in stool).
She is going to be well soon.
Wishing her a speedy recovery