Thanks for the elaborate history that you have given us, will need one more information if you use Tobacco in any form, Cigarettes or Chewing. Your BMI (
body mass index) calculate it with this link It says that you are at
Morbid Obesity. It is for sure that the Extra pounds that you are carrying will certainly lead on to the amalgum of Symptoms that you have mentioned. 1)
Acid Reflux disease leading to Barret's Oesophagus and further damage 2) Spine related injuries 3) If your a Smoker then the Chances of having a
Laryngeal Carcinoma. Acid reflux disease will need you to reduce weight, quit
smoking, regularize your diet regimen, (avoid fat rich foods, Take more of vegetables, reduce your junk food intake or completely avoid it, avoid Coffee and Tea, more so Caffeine in any form chocolates and Bevereges). Spine needs examination be the orthopedic to know the cause and then we might need to treat accordingly. Laryngeal Carcinoma will need clearance, surgery to remove and based on the spread radiotherapy. Hernia that you have mentioned is fine if the intestinal coils do not get wound up causing the
gangrene of the loops and then it might be become an emergency. The complications of this Obesity leads to any untoward complications. Please take care of it.
In all you need to make a trip to the Hospital at the earliest. you can opt for the
Bariatric Surgery if required to reduce the fat. However the opinion should be taken by a Bariatric surgeon first.