my 5 year old daughter was out of school last week due to a chronic cough and mild sneezing . She went back to school on monday, since she was really just fine, besides the nighttime cough, but by Wednesday she was listless, came home from school and slept until the next morning. She has vomited once, and had a temp of 103 today, has complained of a stomache ache and back ache today. I m not much of a Dr. person but after plying her with every natural and homeopathic remedy I knew, we went to the Dr. where she was prescribed amoxicillan for a sinus infection diagnosis. Until now she has never been even mildly ill. What to do?? she doesn t have any face pain or headache . I don t feel like she has a sinus infection, but the Dr. kept commenting on her under eye puffiness, which is pretty much how she always looks. .. I feel like I need to be certain before I give her antibiotics .