welcome to health care magic
Both cerelac and nestum are best, choice is yours.
here are some ideas from side:
For breakfast give your baby cerelac
then around 10:30 - 11 give her mashed banana or boiled apple (later when you feel she is
teething make very thin slices of banana and apple and give her, they love to chew it.)
at lunch give her khichdi with every possible vegie that you have at home( as she grows reduce the no. of whistles of the pressure cooker and start adding the food you all eat, but wait for that till she turns 1)
Evening again cerelac
give milk sometime between the meals
and finally for dinner khichdi again.
with test and trail you will find that your baby loves certain vegies and certain food. Wait till she turns 1 to give her meat or fish.
all the best
take care
mail me at payalrawatchauhan16@gmail.com