thank u for query
to be very frank that diagnose a case of
asthma in just 7 months of age is very very difficult.........
if cough is associated with wheezing?????
if yes then the case may be diagnosed as a case of early transient wheezing illness of early childhood??
PFT CAN NOT BE DONE IN THIS AGE GROUP....difficulty arises here
in this respect the child needs to have antibiotics for around 14 days and followed up
another qn need to be there any family h/o
allergy, atopy or asthma in family???
if yes then the child has more chance to have asthma
cystic fibrosis (CF) can not be diagnosed only on loose smelly stool
the most common cause of loose smelly stool in this age group is
malabsorption, galactorrhoea etc
these have to thought first
to diagnose CF u need to have sweat chloride test to be done or
genetic analysis of CFTR gene
consult with a pediatric pulmonologist he can guide u properly
thank u