My daughter was diagnosed at the age of 8 weeks with Asymmetrical Crying Baby Facies. Other tests ruled out any other abnormalities of the heart, etc. I was wondering if there are any significant motor function problems with any cases such as this. She has never outgrown her startle reflex. Meaning, if she hears particular sounds, gets excited or over-stimulated, she freezes with her face distorted, and her hands are moving similar to children with autism . She will flap her hands by opening and closing them, and she stiffens completely straight, even when she s sitting. I ve always felt there were problems causing this, but nothing major. All of these movements are completely involuntary. She is not aware that she is doing it. She was VBAC , and diagnosed in the hospital with a facial nerve palsy. When it didn t go away at her 8 week c/u, she was referred to a neurologist , who diagnosed the ACF. Has had ear tubes , 4 surgeries for removal of a cholesteotoma, but nothing related to motor function, etc. Any information that you could give regarding these involuntary movements would be great.