A year and a half ago I had sex with someone. Afterwards I had a isolated sore that appeared 2 weeks later about the size of a pinhead on the shaft. It was painless, the blister popped on its own, took the form of a small sore, and healed within a week. 6 months later it reoccurred in the same location and quickly healed again. Once again it reoccurred in the same location a year after this first episode so I got tested for syphilis, gonnerhea, HIV, hepatitis, chlamydia, and both HSV 1 and 2 by means of swabbing the location and a blood test. This time I over medicated by receiving an antibiotic as well as placing anti fungal medication on the location. The result of this was irritation of the region causing a longer time to heal and small inflammation. My question today the same thing has occured however with a new location. Now approximately 6 more month later this week I was with someone I trusted thinking I was clear. However, the exact same symptom once again appeared however for the first time the location moved. Still painless and isolated. I will retest for everything I already tested for 6 months ago assuming I could of gotten a false negative however unlikely with a year incubation period. I theorize I could have a more rare STD or perhaps a dermatological condition. Preferably the latter however the new location has me concerned. My previous belief I simply had a damaged gland that would react on occasion. It is not at all wartlike in appearance and never a second sore. I have investigated Chanchroid and LGV as possible causes however seem highly unlikely. Symptoms and images are most consistent with Molluscum contagiosum however the recurrences makes that seem highly unlikely as well. I can't figure my tests were false in any sample being void of other symptoms and with the long incubation periods. I plan to see a physician however I would like any and all ideas because last time I can't accept the damaged gland explanation any longer.