I am a 24 year old male smoker with a clean bill of health, no known allergies, and no family history of cancer or illness . For last 6 months I have had general weakness and ongoing discomfort in my lower/middle left abdomen area: sometimes its enough to wake me up; I feel better after a bowel movement and or urination . I also have... - joint pain -slight numbness in my left leg, left testicle and lower back. -when I urinate I have a burning sensation on the tip of my penis that comes and goes - when I push hard on certain area on my lower left abdomen I have a quick sharp pain that I can feel in my anus - frequent loose stools - frequent diarrhea - I ve also lost ten pounds recently but I have had a more active life style and I ve been going to the gym My GP can t seem to figure out what is wrong. I ve already had... -full blood and urine work -an MRI of my spine -a three day stool study -an ultrasound of my left testicle and lower left abdomen I forced them to schedule me for a colonoscopy next week.. Everyone tells me its just stress/anxiety but I just dont feel like myself anymore and I think something is wrong. Can all of these symptoms be explained by something benign... ie gas, ibs, stress, pinched nerve, etc All these tests are depleting my savings... What should I do? Whats wrong with me? Are there any other tests you would recommend.