Hello ronniekay,
When the complaints are in the abdomen, you think that the problem is in the organ level. Very often it need not be the case.
You have not mentioned in the long letter, since how long your daughter is having pain in the abdomen. This is an important missing link to connect her present symptoms to any possible cause.
After all possible investigations also, if you find that nothing is evident to produce this pain, then also such pains and
belching are possible. Since she is a very young girl, a lot of sensitivities are possible both in the mental and physical levels.
In my practice a number of children have come with similar abdominal problems after being ridiculed publicly in the school by teachers, after failing in exams which they thought would win, after losing a close friend either by transfer or death and after innumerable emotional conflicts of similar nature. You have not given the details about her mental make up, her peculiarities in the mental level, her reactions to her life situations etc. which are essential to analyse her problems. In Psychology such abdominal complaints occur if she has a problem in the mental level that she cannot 'digest'. You have to probe whether she was abused by somebody immediately before the onset of her problems.
Therefore my advise is to take her to an expert Homoeopath who will take her case in detail, analyse her symptoms in the light of her mental and physical make up and find for her the genetic constitutional remedy which will not only remove her present symptoms but also will keep her free from such sufferings in similar circumstances in future.
Any amount of investigations need not always give any evidence for the pain.
Please do not give her any more chemical drugs to relieve the symptoms of pain, belching etc. without understanding the totality of her problems.
My best wishes for a rapid cure through the safe and simple medicines of Homoeopathy
Dr. C. J. Varghese