Hi, i am writing to you from Nepal.
My mother 70 years old expiriense the last 20 days abdominal pain.
Our healthcare system is primitive so i hope you could give me your opinion.
First 3 days fiver,
Birth like pain center, left side going through to the leg, everyday
mostly in night
15 days ago was her last visit to toilet. Small ammount, black color
cbc results:
WBC 8200
neutrophils 74
Lymphocytes 23
Monocytes 01
Eosinophils 02
Hb 9.8
Thyphi o 1:160
Thyphi H 1:160
Para thyphi AH, BH negative
Her oultrasound showed swolen in the splenn area,
She stayed in the hospital the last 3 days with no improvement taking
injections of antibiotics and following medicine:
Rabeloc inj.
Tilset inj
Powercef inj.
Buscopan inj.
Ketrol inj.
Xone inj.
Evalex 200ml
Prorab 20mg tab
Clarie 500mg tab
Suprin tab
Newron 500mg tab
And others.
I am suspecting maybe colon cancer
Thank you