I have been addicted to opiates for over 2 years now (following a full term pregnancy that ended with complications, I lost my son yet retained the placenta and was rushed into an emergency d&c ) I felt like I needed to add that medical history, that emotional trauma has been too much to handle without the self medicating. I now suffer from severe abdominal pain , and a wide variety of inconsistant bowel charictaristics. I just passed lime green, slimey, very fowl smelling feces. Recently, I have seen clay colored, black tar like, marblely, hard to pass, blood mixed inside, white mucous, well, you get the idea. Colon cancer runs in my family. The pain is becoming more than I can medicate away on my own, I do not know what is wrong with me or what I should do but I fear that if I do not seek help soon I will have autopsy results instead of a treatment plan. Please help me. Thank you for listening. -H.M.L