dear Patient,
there is no doubt that you are suffering from acidity related problems, its common in working class men who work too much and does not eat adequately at correct times. Follow My treatment regimen you may find permanent relief.
1. start Eating anything Other than spicy, oily, too hot foods, which should be avoided at all costs.(my advice is to avoid party eating of all sorts) for the next one month
2. Avoid drinking tea,coffee, alcohol. Replace these with luke warm milk one glass in morning and one in night
3. Stop Topcid, Start on opec
DSR 1 tab in morning and 1 tab in night for 5 days (take half hour before food)
4. Continue Opec DSR for 1 month 1tab Daily in morning before breakfast.
5. EAT whenver you are hungry , never eat full stomach and split meals into 4 or five times same quantity.
6. Excercise , take plenty water (3 to 4l min) daily.
follow these steps .....
you will get well soon
THank you