Hello and welcome,
Fibroids are not dangerous as such. They are non cancerous tumors. But they may grow and cause bleeding or press other organs like bladder, ureters and cause symptoms due to that. They may also cause
infertility. Very rarely they become cancerous called
leiomyosarcoma but this is extremely rare.
The treatment depends upon the patients desire.
If asymptomatic and small fibroids then no treatment is needed they decrease after menopause.
If a woman wants children then removing the fibroids or myomectomy can be done. They can recur after surgery but most women conceive in the intervening period.
If pregnancy is not desired then treatment depends upon uterus is desired or not. If child bearing is complete and women more than 45 we prefer a
hysterectomy for big or multiple fibroids. If uterus is desired then
endometrial ablation, danazole, Gn Rh analogues and blocking the
uterine artery or embolisation are the other treatment options.
So check which option you want and discuss with your gynec and then go for the proper therapy.
Hope this helped.
Thanks for using HCM, have a good day.
Dr Madhuri Bagde
Consultant Ob Gyn