Hi, I m experiencing tenderness in my lower right abdomen . It s the third time in the last 6 months that it has appeard, but this time is a bit worse and i m experiencing discomfort in my abdomen and it hurts only when i push on the spot where the pain is.. I ve seen a doctor and he did an ultrasound which revealed that I have some thickness on my large colon at the place where the small colon meets the large one. He didn t say anything about what it could be, he only said that I should do a colonoskopy for which I have to wait for a few months cause our hospitals are swamped.. I m experiencing no other symptoms besides tenderness. Only frequent bowel movement (more frequent than usual, I have always been quite regular with bowel movements). So, no diahrrea, no blood in stool , no fever, no nausea , no fatigue ... I work out every day and I m in great shape, I dont drink alcohol.. I am a bit stressed because of work and my meals arent really regular or always healthy.. I am worried because he didnt give me any diagnosis and my family is worried that it could be colon cancer.. What do u think? Thank you in advance