Diagnosed With Stage IV Colon Cancer. Has 12 Tumors On Liver And 3 On Two Lymph Nodes. Stomach Pains From Last Chemotherapy. Suggest?
Extremely sorry to hear about your sister's problems. The pain she is having while breathing can either be pleurisy (which is usually secondary to an infection) or spread of tumor to the lungs. Chest infections are quite common in patients receiving chemotherapy, as it lowers their immunity.
The only way of confirming the cause of her pain is by a getting a chest X-ray. If a x-ray is inconclusive, then she would require a CT scan.
If it turns out to be infection, it can be treated with antibiotics but if it is cancer, then the only option is chemotherapy.
In her case as the tumor has spread so extensively, experimental drugs are the only option. These drugs benefit the patients quite a bit sometimes but most of the times they are associated with severe side effects. You need to discuss the future course with your oncologist, who knows more about the experimental drug.
Hoping for the best. Please feel free to clarify any other query.