Thanks for writing in to us.
I will explain your
ultrasound findings in simple language.
1. Liver: measure 128.9 mm, parenchyma show normal echogenicity. Intrahepatic biliary radicals, common bile duct (1.6mm) and portal vein (5.3 mm) are normal.
Liver size and appearance is normal. The common bile duct is the main tube through which bile is transported into the
duodenum and that is also normal. The portal vein carries blood and that is also normal.
Gall Bladder contracted. Normal wall thickness. Lumen shows multiple echogenic foci - calculi.
Gall bladder may contain calculi (many small stones perhaps). It is important to know the approximate size of stones and probably number of stones present. A surgeon will be the best person to discuss the problem. Also please tell him about any pains you are experiencing.
10% of general population may have an asymptomatic gall
bladder stone and nothing needs to be done. In the others having multiple stones, medical treatment is first given and if situation does not improve, only then surgery may be necessary.
Hope this helps