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Dr. Andrew Rynne
Dr. Andrew Rynne

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Abnormal Bleeding And Tightening, Irregular Period. Negative Pregnancy Test. What Is Going On?

Hello! I've been having abnormal bleeding occasionally for the past two months and very irregular periods. As of lately I have been having abdominal tightening and a sudden gush of clear fluid (like my water was breaking) that just occur out of no where. I was sitting on the couch not moving at all and the gush just occurred soaking my underwear completely. I've taken two pregnancy tests and they were both negative. Could someone please give me some insight on my situation?
Mon, 7 Oct 2013
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OBGYN 's  Response
Thanks for writing to us.
The irregular periods are usually anovulatory periods and are not likely to be associated with pregnancy. Negative pregnancy tests further rule this out. Taking oral contraceptives will help in establishing a regular bleeding pattern.
I hope this information has been both informative and helpful for you.
Dr. Rakhi Tayal ,
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Abnormal Bleeding And Tightening, Irregular Period. Negative Pregnancy Test. What Is Going On?

Hello. Thanks for writing to us. The irregular periods are usually anovulatory periods and are not likely to be associated with pregnancy. Negative pregnancy tests further rule this out. Taking oral contraceptives will help in establishing a regular bleeding pattern. I hope this information has been both informative and helpful for you. Regards, Dr. Rakhi Tayal ,