Hello, t_magill_00,
I am not sure how old you are or your gender.
Be that as it may, the symptoms that you describe
gives me the impression that it is related to your diet.
There are a few conditions we have to rule out. Extreme
bloating after eating can suggest that you may have deficiency
in digestive enzymes. Especially if the starch is not being
digested you can have more gas and bloating.
There is a condition called "Giardiasis" caused by an organism
Giardia Lamblia which comes from drinking certain well waters
or eating some sea food that might have been contaminated.
Mostly this is spread through stool contamination. These
Giardia cysts can be found in the stool. Eventhough there is
diarrhea associated with this , initial symptoms could
very well be what you are experiencing.
Lactose Intolerance is very common. If you get these symptoms after
eating dairy products such as cheese or after drinking milk, you
should think about this. There is a simple
breath test to detect this.
Otherwise you can avoid all dairy products and all lactose containing
products fir one week and see if the symptoms improve significantly.
That would give you the answer. Other thing people have is sensitivity
to gluten which is present in wheat,Rye or Barley.
Celiac disease can
be diagnosed with specific blood tests. You can talk to your doctor about this.
These are some of the possibilities. Problems with the
pancreas causes
the deficiency of digestive enzymes. This is caused by repeated attacks
of inflammation of the pancreas called "Chronic Pancreatitis". This can
be caused by excess alcohol or
gallstone disease or some auto-immune
Hope this gives you some guidance.
Wish you well.