Hi, Am 40. Have been having v regular periods every month. Its on day 26 and lasts for about 5 days. Last month v unusual for me, I had my regular period upto 5 days and then again some bleeding from day 7, 8 upto 10th day when my bleeding was very heavy with some cramping and clots. I did a pelvic exam and have a fibroid but my doc decided that fibroid was not the cause for it, but the reason is hormonal imbalance. She put me on orgamed for 15 days from day 10 onwards. My bleeding stopped completley by day 11 and I had no problems at all after that. I got my regular period this month on day 27. My doc suggested that I take trapic MF asa precaution for 3 days which I did. I had v moderate periods and it all got over by day 4. Do I still need to take orgamed again this month from day 15 for 10 days?