I have been experiencing abnormal sensations in my face, ear, and scalp; mostly, but not entirely right sided. Most of the time it feels like pins and needles. Sometimes it feels like burning or itching or like bugs are crawling on my face. I have also had numbness and tingling in hands and feet. The face/ear/scalp is constant except while I sleep and the first few minutes after waking up. The hands/feet come and go. This has been going on for 4 months. 2 Normal neurological exams. I have had lymes test, checked for lupus and Rheumatoid arthritis. B 12 levels and thyroid levels were checked. All tests were normal. EMG on right arm and right leg were normal. 2 MRI s of brain with and without contrast. I did not see the report of the first MRI, but I was told it was normal. I got the report for the second MRI and it states there is mild asymmetry of the ventricle system with the right lateral ventricle being larger then the left. No significant abnormal signal intensity foci are demonstrated. Normal pituitary gland, no abnormal enhancement, normal flow voids are seen in the vessels of the circle of willis, paranasal sinuses clear, mild motion artifact limits assessment. I do not have any mental health issues. The only medical conditions I have are asthma, acid reflux, and I have 2-4 migraines per year. I have a follow up scheduled in 3 months. This is the second neurologist that I have been to. The sensations are becoming increasingly painful and now include my scalp, which is fairly new. The scalp involvement has only occurred within the last 3 weeks or so. The sensations GREATLY increase when I go from cold outside to warm inside or when I become overheated. I would like to know what questions I should ask at my next appointment and what tests you might suggest. Sincerely, Laura