read your query
i would have liked to know your age, gender, previous medical history and treatment you are on (if any) as well
that would help us making a better answer for your query
thereby helping you better
this could be due to radiculopathies. if you have cervical or lumbar problems, the nerves may be getting compressed causing these problems. an
x ray of lumbar and
cervical spine with ncv of the limbs would be advisable.
in case you have
diabetes, or
hypothyroidism, you could have neuropathies causing these symptoms. i would suggest you get tested for fbs, ppbs and tsh.
these symptoms could be explained by
hypertension also. a simple check of bp would be important.
a complete hemogram, kft and lft, ecg would be a necessary part of the work up too
if the affected limbs are one sided, (left/right involvement only) i would suggest an mri of the brain and echocardiography
i am sorry
but the answer to your query is not a direct one
let us know the reports
and we can probably help you better
a more detailed history would be nice
best of luck