About 3 months ago I started with what I thought was a head cold, after about a week I be came sicker, started coughing. I thought it had just went to a chest cold. I had to be away from home for about 3 weeks, during this time my cough became worse, but some days I felt a little better than others. I have R.S.D so it takes me longer to get over things. When I got home I was very tired of course, but the symptoms kept getting worse. Cough, sever pain on my left side and very tired and weak. I went to my family Dr. About a month ago p, he had me do 2 rounds of antibiotics, finished those in 10 days, was no better called him, he gave me a different antibiotic. I had a chest x-Ray about 2 and a half months ago, he thought I might have pneumonia or fractured a rib, they came back clear. My cough changes, my voice is very horse, tightness and pain in my chest and just very tired all the time. I have tried to get him to run blood work, but he said he has done all he can. He wants me to go to a lung specialist, but they can't see me for another 5 weeks. I don't know what to do, but honestly I don't think I can go 5 more weeks. I have also lost 20 pounds in 3 months.