Well!Humira contains
Adalimumab.This has antibody against the TNF alfa which is a inflammatory mediator.Humira has some sideeffects like:
•Serious infections. These include TB and infections caused by viruses, fungi, or bacteria.
Hepatitis B infection in carriers of the virus •Allergic reactions •Nervous system problem •Blood problems. •
Heart failure •Immune reactions •Liver problems
There has been data suggesting that it can also cause increases in triglycerides and decrease HDL.It has also shown to increase the risk of Lymphoma.
My main concern in your case before starting on Humira is that your LDL and
Cholesterol level is slightly increased.You have indicated that you are over weight.now this value becomes very significant, if you have other risk factors like:family h/o of premature heart disease/HTN/CAD/Diabetus/angina.In that case using Humira increases the risk of heart failure.
The second thing of concern is that liver enzymes are also elevated.This could be because of the
fatty liver.This causes the liver to function in slightly suboptimal level.So excessive drugs cannot be metabolised efficiently.
The third thing of concern is the BUN/
Creatinine ratio is also high.Which indicates that you renal function has to be assessed thoroughly before starting these drugs.
I would first suggest you completely cut down on fatty foods and work on loosing weight.Take a opinion from a very good physician/internist about investigation reports.Get a complete history and physical examination including all the necessary investigations to rule out risk factors.Then i believe your
dermatologist will be able to prescribe the medications.