I had unprotected sex with a girl and she gave me oral also. Within 2 days I had some discharge from my penis. Then I had a lot of pain after urination. I had some azithromycin, so I took two grams of it. The discharge seemed to disappear, but the pain went from a sharp pain to an ache. For a while there, I couldn't even move me penis without a sharp pain though.
I ended up going to a clinic where they tested for chlamydia, gonorrhea, and hiv. They were all negative. I went to another clinic and got the chlamydia and gonorrhea test again, along with a herpes culture test. I told them my symptoms, and they gave me an injection and a 7 day course of antibiotics. Everything came bak negative though.
The symptoms seemed to fade, so my ex and I started having unprotected sex again, and now it seems the symptoms have faded back in I guess. I'm very annoyed and just want this to be done with. As of right now I have a dull ache in the tube on the bottom of my penis is seems, and every once in a while, the same feeling in my testicles. Any ideas, suggestions?