Hi...dear Sweety..,
Thanks for choosing HCM..,
Follow up treatment is not good.,
Hence U get
ACNE again and again...,
So follow ...,
1) Tab..
ISOTRETINOIN...20 mg for 2 months...,
stop 1 month again start drug for 2 months..,
then stop for 3 months...this is called PULSE ..,
therapy is best for prevent recurrence..,
2) Topical 1 %
CLINDAMYCIN 2 times daily..,
3) Tab..
AZITHROMYCIN 250 mg for 3 consecutive days...,
and stop...after 1 week again start 3 consecutive days..,
then stop for 1 month..,will prevent recurrence effectively..,
4) Take plenty of fruits and green vegetables..,