Alcohol addiction is simply a compulsive need for an intoxicating liquid;
Alcoholism is present when a person craves alcohol and cannot limit or contain his or her drinking. In case of
withdrawal symptoms such as nausea, sweating, shakiness, or anxiety when alcohol consumption has ceased, or if there is a need to drink greater amounts of alcohol in order to feel a high, that person is most likely alcoholic. Alcoholics who do not stop drinking reduce life expectancy by 10 to 15 years. Alcohol can destroy brain cells, hence disturbs the structure and function of the
central nervous system, hindering the ability to retrieve, consolidate, and process information. Large amounts interfere with the oxygen supply of the brain causing a blackout when totally drunk. Alcohol addiction may lead to mouth,
esophagus, and
stomach cancer especially in drinkers who also smoke. Splurge drinking may produce irregular heartbeats, and abusers experience a higher risk of high-blood pressure, heart attacks, and other heart damage. Alcohol can harm vision, damage sexual function, slow circulation, is the grounds for
malnutrition, and water retention. It can lead to skin and pancreatic disorders weaken the bones and muscles, thus, decreasing immunity. You must have a serious desire to stop from being an alcoholic. Knowing the cause of one problem is an important part to its solution. There are a lot of alcohol
rehabilitation centers that could give you assistance for your treatment. The support groups in your city called Alcohol anonymous can help you. These groups constitute people who are trying to quit alcohol and the people who succeeded.