Hi, i hope you can relieve me off this huge weight on my mind, i am a 27 year old female, 1 healthy daughter 3 and a half and otherwise in good health myself. My probem is, over the past 15 months had 4 misscaraiges.... 1st - 11 weeks, 2nd- 7 weeks, 3rd - 9 weeks and the 4th- 11 and half weeks (day before my scan) twice i have been to drs and been scanned after to mae sure everything had come away. This has mentaly drained me and i decided to go on the depo injection to try giving myself and my body time to recover, 4 months ago i had the depo due last month but decided against it as it was making my moods unbareable and causing strain on family life. So now one month after 2nd inj was due i am producing milk from my breasts, feeling sick, tired ALL the time and have a thick dark brown/red discharge which i can smell... my partner says i dont but i am sure he is just trying to make me feel better, i do want to attempt a natural pregnancy again at some point in the future. What could the problem be? Am i right to be worried? Thank you in advance