Welcome to the forum. It is nice to know that you are getting health conscious. You should take the resolution to quit alcohol,
smoking (
nicotine), caffeine or any other addiction. Addiction gives temporary relief and may worsen your future.
Your LFT is normal, good. The pain that you are experiencing can be due to pancreatitis. It can be at an early stage as you do not have the other symptoms. It could be due to
gall stones. It is nice that you have taken an appointment with the gastroenterologist. You should get investigations done ( USG ( abdominal and endoscopic ), CT and MRCP if needed ( it depends upon the positivity of the reports ). You should have blood tests done ( routine and to note the
amylase which are raised in
acute pancreatitis.)
You should take high
carbohydrate and protein diet. Do not take red meat, go for white flesh. Avoid fatty, spicy, rich food. Eat small amount at a time and increase the number of intakes, avoid sweets, chocolates, desserts. Keep well hydrated with soups, juice, water. Add to your diet berries, fresh fruits, green veggies, nuts. Boiled or blanched home made food is the best for you. Quit addictions.
Have a nice day, take care.