you seem to have dust or
pollen allergy, if your allergy is during a few months of the year that is may to august then its mostly pollen allergy if full year then it is mostly dust . there is nothing you can do about smoke other than physical protection by using face mask etc.
coming to treatment part of allergy it has to be done in step wise manner
first if your symptoms is for few months a year like 2-3 months then you start an antihistamine which you have to take daily at night. if your symptoms still persist then your start using
steroid nasal spray, it has no side effect and it controls the allergy very well and you should start 2 weeks before your symptoms start. if this also does not cure you.
then get yourself tested for allergy, it is called skin prick test you will know what you are allergic to, then if possible you can avoid the allergen or you can start treatment called immunotherpy. this is currently the best treatment available and your symptoms will easily reduce by 80-90 percent kindly visit your
ent specialist he will guide you further and immunologist he will do skin prick test and immunotherapy
now coming to your pimple part, you mostly have
acne vulgaris but it could be something else also , its tough to tell without looking at the lesion. you will have to go to
dermatologist for the acne , it can be cured with right medication.
there is nothing called increased body heat due to sudden change in temperature we become more susceptible to infection so we can fall sick.
regarding that whey protein supplement, you can take it if your taking the correct amount and also you can start you work out any time , just start it gradually.
thank you