Dear Doctor, I am male, 26 yrs old, working in mumbai since last two years. I have been born and brought up in kanpur(up). In childhood i use to have repeated tonsils swelling. Cold and cough with fever has been also frequent always. I had smoked for mid 2005 to mid 2008. From last one year i am having repeated following symptoms: Normally: Heavyness and headache Body and head is slightly heated Sore throat morning cough(the collected one) contains carbon weakness and pain in body do not feel fresh. head ache increases if try to focus or concentrate on smthing Sometimes pulsating pain in head and arms Uneasiness with dust, smoke, intense aromas In Severe Case: With the normal symptoms getting severe following are also there- blood particles in morning cough continuous pulsating pain fast breathing suffocation if exposed to dust, smoke, intense aromas pain in legs and arms Frequency of severity conditions increase rapidly when i get exposed to air pollution/dust I have already shown to ent surgeon in lilavati, got the treatment with atibiotics and one month omez (20mg) severity dropped for that time but conditions never changed. Please let me know what could be the actual problem and which doctor should i consult. This health issue has decreased my ability to think and focus on my work. Thanks