Am I pregnant?
My last period ended May 14th, and I had sex a few days after, but haven't after that. My period is normally pretty irregular, I've had some very slight cramping and the stomach/ digestive issues I normally have when I'm on or about to start my period the past week, so I thought I was about to have my period. I had the 'egg white discharge'' a few weeks ago, but not really anymore. I've only really ever felt nauseous today, a few hours ago I got sort of nauseous and shaky but I assumed it was just because I hadnt eaten yet, and felt better after I ate. About a half an hour ago I got nauseous again, but only slightly and it went away after I started trying to swallow it back down and calm myself down (In case I was about to be sick) but it went away fairly quickly like before.
My boyfriend never 'finished' inside me, the closest he's came to it was on top of/ on my clit. I've really been freaking out about this, I'm planning on taking a pregnancy test soon but wanted to know what my chances were of being pregnant first.