Hello and welcome to healthcaremagic
Body folds e.g inner thighs, submammary folds,
axilla trap moisture and heat and provide an ideal atmosphere for the fungus to proliferate.
Fungal infection in the groin folds is likely to be the reason behind persistent itching in the groin area. If this is allowed to continue then constant itching and scratching makes the skin become darker and thick in that area and thus an element of
eczema sets in along with fungal infection, where the more you itch the more is the desire to itch ( vicious itch scratch cycle sets in).
More than the treatment for the fungal infection it is the prevention of recurrence of fungal infection that is the main concern.
Some general measures like: Wearing loose fitting clothes, cotton undergarments, bathing twice daily(in summers), managing one's weight (if
overweight) and sticking to the treatment for the entire duration (4-6 weeks) goes a long way in getting the desired results.
An antifungal dusting powder like
Clotrimazole dusting powder is an important part of treatment and for prevention of relapse/recurrence of infection because frequent dusting with an anti-fungal dusting powder not only keeps the area dry but also inhibits the fungus from regrowing.
Hope you are satisfied with my reply
take care