I have been coughing for a month, initially it was dry then became chesty, No any cold symptoms but severe cough with mucus especially at night time in bed.
Since last Friday I have been experiencing sharping pain on the left side of the upper abdomen, initially it was only when I was coughing, now it is painful when I breath, laugh, bend down or if I touch that area,
Went to my GP twice, 2 courses of antibiotic (Amoxicillin 250 and now still on Klaricid 500) Cough is better now but the pain not.
2 xrays which the last one shows a bit of shadowing on the left costophrenic angle.
Conclusion is to wait until I finish the antibiotics and if no better I have to see a specialist.
Now, I am worried and my question is if it the case to wait or to act asap, plus I want to know what is happening.
Thank you very much