sure, a couple of days ago I had dental pain and swelling, then my ear started bothering me so I put some warm mullen oil in it, the pain did not decrease, within a few hours my face, scalp, ear and teeth were all hurting me. Today I went to see a neighbor that happens to be a pediatrician and she looked in my ear, I had some wax build-up of which she removed some of, she probed (it hurt) deeper and said I did not have an ear infection, that my drum was retracted from the pressure in my head and more than likely that was what was causing the pain. She prescribed an antibiotic of which I have taken two thus far, my pain has increased and is now a constant stream of sharp shooting pain that is deep deep in my ear thru my head and out my scalp, cheek and neck. The pain is seriously intense. The pharmacist told me to take a cold and sinus otc which I have. I am a m other of two and have had to have my gallbladder removed due to a stone stuck in my common bile tract so I know pain, this is scary. I've poured a hot bath, any other suggestions, aleve?