Thanks for raising your concern on this platform and following is advised:
1. As the doctor have performed both 'screening' & 'diagnostic mammogram' for evaluation of any abnormality in breast and since they found calcification [which are associated with malignancy] BUT have said it to be benign thus
breast cancer is excluded.
PS. The American Cancer Society (ACS) guidelines recommend an annual screening mammogram for every woman of average risk beginning at age 40.
breast ultrasound is done additionally to determine whether the lesion is cystic or solid, and if interested one may go for further investigations like: PET [positron emission tomography]/
MRI [magnetic resonance imaging] for further evaluation.
3. Studies have revealed that in some women if the results [of mammography] are normal even then follow up mammographs are necessary for re screening at regular intervals.
PS. If there is a history of breast/
ovarian cancer in your family member [before the age of 40] then there is every possibility of follow up every 1 year, 6 and/or 3 months. They must be simply 'observing' the suspected lesion [if any]
4. In best Interest it will be wise from your side to regularly complete the follow up programme since it will be a reasonable approach for those breast lesions which appear ‘likely benign’ due to their imaging characteristics.
5. Since with call back/follow up there is high 'anxiety' in women regarding possibility of breast cancer thus remain under regular supervision of your attending physician