I am having lower left abdominal pain and after taking Gas X thinking it was gas, and an Aleve for the pain, I am still having pain. On a scale of 1 to 5, I would say I’m at a consistent 3. This has been occurring for the past two days now. My lower left side is tender to touch and is painful when I take a really deep breath. I have also had chills for the past two days, so I took my temperature, but I did not have a fever. It was 98.4. Had a colonoscopy Sept 2015, they found a couple of diverticulum pouches. Could I be having a diverticulitis inflammation? I mostly have good eating habits, however I only had 1 apple today and a half piece of toast… just not hungry.... No constipation, had 2 good BMs yesterday, nothing today however… Any ideas?