Hi thanks for contacting health care magic ....
You have basically digestive problem along with infection of stomach called
stomatitis ....
Follow below advises ........
1.Drink lots of hot water
2.Avoid excess spicy foods, tea , coffe ,
smoking etc ....
3.Take ciprofloxcine antibiotic 500 mg for five days ...
pantoprazole tablet for two week....
5.You can take simethicon containing preparation for gas like
digene syrup
6.Eat slowly
7.Avoid gas forming foods like onion , turnip, cabbage etc.
8.Fruits taken more
If still no improvement than for further work up investigate with........
1.Stool examination for parasites
2.USG abdomen
If still no cause clear than investigate with endoscopy(only if needed)
Discuss all these with your treating physician....
Take care