Hi Dear ,
Welcome to HCM.
Understanding your concern.
Thanks for your query . The brown color of your saliva is due to presence of blood in it . There can be many reason for presence of blood in saliva like
bleeding gums smoking and
tobacco chewing habit. But in your case the blood comes from tonsils . Sometimes inflamed tonsils have bleeding patches from where the blood comes .
Difficulty in mouth opening is also due to
tonsillitis . The reason for earache is same as infection can travel from throat to ear through Eustachian tube.
I would suggest you to complete antibiotic course if your doctor prescribed you .Otherwise
consult ENT specialist (EAR,NOSE,THROAT) for proper examination and to rule out other conditions.
For now take
acetaminophen or ibuprofen (if not allergic) for pain and inflammation , do warm saline gargles several times a day ,drink plenty of fluid to keep yourself hydrate and take rest.
Hope your concern has been resolved.
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Get Well Soon.
Best Wishes,
Dr. Harry Maheshwari