Dear Doctor, I need advise. I have longer cycles than regular ladies do (32 days when regular), and I often experience irregular cycles so my period being late is not a big suprise to me, but I usually also feel when I ovulate (if I ovulate) and I always start to have very strong pms symptoms about a week before my period is due. All these were absent this month, however I had similar symptoms to ovulation about 10 days after the day I was supposed to ovulate (minus the sharp stubbing feeling in my lower abdominal I usually get during ovulation). I had unprotected sex with my husband this day. This was 11 days ago. My period is late for 5 days now and yesterday I experienced some very dark brown discharge when wipping (not on the underwear) it only occoured 1 time, than it stopped. I also felt very fatiqued the whole day and had some very light cramps, the day before yesterday I had some thingy feeling in my lower abdomine area like someone would poke it with a needle. Today the fatique stayed but no other symptoms and no discharge appeared. I did a cheapy pregnancy test yesterday but it came out to be negative. Could it be that I ovulated 10 days late and I m pregnant? I have no other symptoms, definitely no symptoms of period or pms. So I was supposed to ovulate on the 3rd, but only had ovulation like symptoms on the 13th and my period was due on the 19th but missed it.